
Oxford University is conducting groundbreaking research on Neonatal Sepsis around the globe. While such an endeavor obviously requires strong technical and scientific abilities; proper management and planning comes into the picture as a crucial factor for success. The researchers at Oxford University with their vast experience knew the challenges of proper management needed in scientific research and were looking for a reliable solution. Challenges in global research projects come in many forms. Apart from coordinating with a large number of people, there are issues of data management, team management, resource allocation, due diligence, the authenticity of information, and the handling of research funds. Each of these elements on their own has the capacity to make such a project a success or a failure. Therefore, Oxford University required a strong system in place right from the beginning, that not only could handle each of these factors with certainty but also could ensure the integrity of data at every stage of their operations.

Key Challenges Faced by The University of Oxford

Conducting research in different corners of the world introduces lots of space for error, accountability, and the concern of bringing all that research data together. It was also painful for the head of the research department to sync this data with every team member.

Crucial issues faced by the University of Oxford included:

  • image Inefficient Management: Disorganized operations & team management led the research to a more time-consuming and error-prone workflow.
  • image Data Fragmentation: Information collected from various institutions and personnel lacked proper organization, making analysis and reporting difficult.
  • image Unorganized Data: The research data was difficult to access instantaneously, and piles of hard copies had to be skimmed through, which slowed down research.
  • image Resource Allocation: It became increasingly difficult for research directors to allocate resources to different departments of medical research.
  • image Communication: A lack of communication between teams made data transfer lengthier which in turn slowed down the research process.
  • image Handling of Research Funds: Poor tracking of research expenditures, difficulty obtaining future grants, and inability to demonstrate responsible use of funds.

The Impact Softograph Created

As strong practitioners of tech development and implementation, Softograph didn’t just build one software, but developed an interconnected powerful system that looked over each aspect of the research. The effort allowed the collaborators to sync seamlessly in real-time and also addressed every part of the management that required attention.

Softograph started off by advising Oxford University in terms of the most efficient process possible which would allow for proper implementation of technology. It is a standard practice at Softograph to consider technology as a secondary factor and to prioritize efficient processes in the first place.

Softograph’s approach to addressing tech projects has been honed over the years and proven to work for every global client. And it worked smoothly for Oxford University as well. It allowed the client to obtain significant operations efficiency in the following forms:

  • image Real-Time Monitoring & Updates
  • image Seamless In-Platform Collaboration
  • image Integration Between Multiple Research Teams
  • image 6 Layers of Enhanced Protection
  • image Secured Transactions Directly via Software
  • image Automated & Re-Engineered Processes

The Result

Softograph’s implementation of technology and process re-engineering targeted process efficiency, boosting the research team’s productivity while Oxford University unlocked their potential to new heights following:

  • image Data access speed increased by 400%
  • image Mismanagement of data reduced to 0%
  • image Data collaboration time reduced by 80%
  • image Manpower cost reduction by 45%

How Softograph Solved the Problem

The University of Oxford saw potential for improvements in its research process but was unable to bring them into action.

Softograph was brought on board to address these very challenges within the research process. They began by learning the client’s pain points and the technical requirements of their research workflow. This allowed Softograph to adopt a comprehensive approach that focuses on:

  • image Technical Implementation Consultation: Softograph conducted a thorough analysis of Oxford's existing workflow and identified specific pain points. By understanding technical needs and user behavior, they implemented an interconnected system.
  • image Automated Processes: Softograph integrated all the stages of operations from first to finish with automated technology, implementing and tracking processes directly through the platform provided by Softograph.
  • image Data Organization and Representation: Softograph developed a system for efficient data collection, organization, and visualization. This ensured data integrity and facilitated easy access for researchers to analyze patterns and draw meaningful conclusions.
  • image Scalable and User-Friendly Software: Softograph focused on user adoption by recommending and implementing software that was user-friendly, contained intuitive interfaces and role-based access controls.
  • image Data Protection: Softograph implemented a 6-layer authentication process, strengthening security within the platform. They also enabled the software for secured transactions, maximizing safety for all research funds.
  • image Tailored Onboarding and Training: Softograph provided comprehensive onboarding programs and training sessions to equip users with the knowledge and comprehension necessary to utilize the new software platform effectively.

Why Oxford University Partnered with Softograph

The research team at the University of Oxford knew they needed to digitize the research process, but couldn’t figure out how to do it. Through a comprehensive technical consultation, Softograph connected the researchers with the right technology to assist in their scientific research and retain accountability for every stage.

Softograph’s success in empowering businesses with powerful tools encouraged the University of Oxford to choose Softograph for the project. Their software implementation goes beyond helping the team in day-to-day tasks but extends to improving the process at every step of their operations. The team at Softograph helped maximize impact to reach critical objectives as smoothly as possible.

A Scalable Solution for Global Research

The successful collaboration between the University of Oxford and Softograph demonstrates the transformative power of data-driven insights and efficient management in scientific research. Oxford University has not only accelerated its Neonatal Sepsis research but also paved the way for a streamlined approach for future endeavors - all thanks to carefully crafted solutions by Softograph.

Researchers at Oxford University now have the ability to manage data seamlessly, collaborate effectively, and allocate resources strategically, allowing collaborators to focus exclusively on research progress.

This success story serves as a beacon for other global research initiatives, highlighting the immense potential of prioritizing efficient processes and embracing technological solutions on the road to greater scientific breakthroughs.

Progress is possible with the right set of tools, utilized in the right way. See what Softograph can do for your team. Schedule a consultation with Softograph today.

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Case Studies